Teach For Uzbekistan

Our vision

Empowering a generation of compassionate, adaptable, and life-long learners who are equipped with strong moral values, resilience, and the skills to thrive in a rapidly changing world. TFU envisions a society where education nurtures not only academic excellence but also empathy, collaboration, and a commitment to community well-being.

Our mission

To drive systemic educational reform and foster social innovation by developing a pipeline of transformative leaders. TFU recruits, trains, and supports exceptional professionals to address systemic challenges and inequalities in education and broader social sector. Through collaboration with schools, communities, and policymakers, TFU implements innovative solutions and mobilizes local stakeholders to ensure sustainable development and equity in education and society.

Our values

Teach for Uzbekistan (TFU) is driven by core values that shape our mission. Perseverance empowers us to overcome challenges and sustain impact. Growth fosters continuous learning and improvement. Inclusivity ensures everyone feels valued and respected, strengthening collaboration. Leadership inspires purpose-driven action to tackle societal challenges. Through Kindness, we build a supportive, compassionate community for meaningful contributions.



Member of the Teach For All community

“Teach For Uzbekistan” is an official member of the international “Teach For All” community since 2024.

Consulting Image
Teach For Uzbekistan

Board of Trustees

Nozima Davletova

Nozima Davletova

Department of External Relations, Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Bobur Bekmurodov

Bobur Bekmurodov

Chairman of the Nationwide Movement “Yuksalish”
Zafar Khashimov

Zafar Khashimov

Founder of Anglesey Food
Aziza Umarova

Aziza Umarova

Agency for Strategic Reforms of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Umida Yuldosheva

Umida Yuldosheva

CEO of Teach for Uzbekistan

Partners and sponsors